home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- "80 Column Cable
- "Zero Page
- "instruction to make cable
- "Corr, Edward
- "
- "1
- "Questor
- "Funware
- "graphic adventure game
- "Mattson, Jon
- "
- "1
- "Treasure Trove
- "Funware
- "card solitaire game osmosis
- "Schulak, Barbara
- "Card game
- "1
- "Wizard Wind
- "Funware
- "you and friends against the wizard
- "Wiscarson, Larry
- "
- "1
- "Potpourri
- "Brainware
- "test knowledge with fun game program
- "Schulak, Barbara
- "Trivia
- "1
- "Boris
- "Brainware
- "chess 80 column nine levels
- "Snyder, Harold
- "Chess
- "1
- "Car Scratchpad
- "Helpware
- "compare different payment schemes car
- "Lamb, William
- "Carbuyer spreadsheet
- "1
- "Chart 128
- "Helpware
- "professional chartmaking program
- "Marions, Peter
- "
- "1
- "80 Column Cable
- "Zero Page
- "80 column cable instructions
- "Corr, Edward
- "
- "2
- "Slot Poker
- "Funware
- "strategy game poker
- "Avanzi, Louis
- "card game
- "2
- "Keno
- "Funware
- "gambling game
- "Avanzi, Louis
- "
- "2
- "Grim Oak Manor
- "Funware
- "text adventure murder manor
- "Blakemore, Cleveland
- "Text adventure
- "2
- "Beleaguered Castle
- "Brainware
- "solitaire game card
- "Schulak, Barbara
- "Card game
- "2
- "Sound Machine
- "Utilityware
- "sound program
- "Schulak, Barbara
- "
- "2
- "Disk Whiz
- "Utilityware
- "dos shell multi feature
- "Hisel, Kevin
- "Copier & more
- "2
- "Grade*Star
- "Helpware
- "grade book program for teachers
- "Sipe, Thomas
- "teacher data base
- "2
- "Polygons
- "Grafixware
- "graphic shapes circle program
- "Reeves, James
- "
- "2
- "Epic
- "Funware
- "explore universe fantasy
- "Mattson, Jon
- "game
- "3
- "80 Column Tricks
- "Utilityware
- "spruce up 80 column screen display
- "Hisel, Kevin
- "
- "3
- "Font Viewer 40
- "Utilityware
- "helpful tutorial on fonts
- "Schulak, Barbara
- "
- "3
- "Font Viewer 80
- "Utilityware
- "font tutorial
- "Schulak, Barbara
- "
- "3
- "Font Maker 80
- "Utilityware
- "font tutorial
- "Stone, Michael
- "
- "3
- "Fontprint
- "Helpware
- "font tutorial
- "Schulak, Barbara
- "
- "3
- "1989 Convertible
- "Helpware
- "measurement conversion program
- "Wiggins, Gary
- "measure converter
- "3
- "Memo Calendar
- "Helpware
- "keep track of important dates
- "Speers, James
- "
- "3
- "Multicolor Screens
- "Zero Page
- "multicolor screen graphics
- "Resh & Tucker
- "
- "4
- "Gangster
- "Funware
- "good guys from bad game
- "Mattson, Jon
- "
- "4
- "Quarktory
- "Utilityware
- "directory print out detailed info
- "James, Dan
- "Directory plus
- "4
- "Disk Doctor 128
- "Utilityware
- "ultimate disk editor
- "Hisel, Kevin
- "sector editor
- "4
- "Loanshark
- "Helpware
- "amortization of loan calculated
- "Brenneman, Leo
- "amortization
- "4
- "Fund Analyzer
- "Helpware
- "compound return for investment
- "Clinton, Lee
- "mutual fund data base
- "4
- "Label Designer
- "Helpware
- "print shop labels graphics
- "Schulak, Barbara
- "Print Shop label printer
- "4
- "Point Set Engine
- "Grafixware
- "control pixel of hi res graphic screen
- "McCaffrey, John
- "math
- "4
- "GEOPainting Basic 8
- "Geosware
- "geos graphics from basic 8 spectrum
- "Resh, Scott
- "Basic 8 Spectrum GeoPaint
- "4
- "80 Col smooth Scroll
- "Zero Page
- "80 column smooth scroll
- "Lee, Michael
- "
- "5
- "Spectrum 128
- "Review
- "basic 8 graphics Basic 8
- "Resh, Scott
- "
- "5
- "Concentrate
- "Funware
- "match tiles rebus game
- "Arsenault, Paul
- "Rebus puzzles
- "5
- "Wreck of Copernicus
- "Funware
- "explore wrecked surveyship pilot game
- "Mattson, Jon
- "text adventure
- "5
- "Texturizer
- "Utilityware
- "format text files sequential
- "Hisel, Kevin
- "text converter strip returns
- "5
- "Quarktory
- "Utilityware
- "detailed directory information
- "James, Dan
- "Correction to #4
- "5
- "Resume Writer
- "Helpware
- "accomplishment and vital statistics
- "Clinton, Lee
- "resume job search
- "5
- "StoryWriter
- "Helpware
- "compose short story novel masterpiece
- "Jordan, Mark
- "
- "5
- "Recipe Box
- "Helpware
- "enter and store recipes on disk
- "Schulak, Barbara
- "data base
- "5
- "Quicktext
- "Zero Page
- "quick text
- "Resh & Tucker
- "text reader
- "6
- "Partner 128
- "Review
- "review of partner 128 program
- "Tucker, Fender
- "
- "6
- "Quarklister
- "Utilityware
- "quarklister program lister
- "James, Dan
- "basic program lister
- "6
- "Daffynition
- "Brainware
- "guess words from letters game
- "Speers, James
- "word game
- "6
- "Quickdraw
- "Funware
- "shoot bottles off fence or villain
- "Hendricks, Mike
- "game
- "6
- "Checkstar
- "Helpware
- "balance check book and print checks
- "Robinson, John
- "check printer
- "6
- "Pedigree 128
- "Helpware
- "investigate record print five generation
- "Clinton, Lee
- "genealogy data base
- "6
- "Brainpower
- "Helpware
- "word processor 80 column
- "Jordan, Mark
- "Word processor
- "6
- "Magic Squares
- "Zero Page
- "magic squares game
- "Tucker, Fender
- "
- "7
- "Esp Tester
- "Brainware
- "test psychic abilities game
- "Iovine, John
- "
- "7
- "Backgammon
- "Funware
- "backgammon game
- "Avanzi, Louis
- "
- "7
- "Verbatim!
- "Funware
- "word board game
- "McCaffrey, John
- "word game for two
- "7
- "Master File
- "Helpware
- "general data base
- "Cook, Robert
- "data base
- "7
- "Food Calc
- "Helpware
- "data base for family diet
- "Jordan, Mark
- "calorie data base
- "7
- "Double Play
- "Helpware
- "baseball data base
- "Schulak, Barbara
- "Baseball team dB
- "7
- "Mach 128
- "Review
- "Mach 128
- "Perregaux, Jon
- "mach 128
- "8
- "Paint 128
- "Grafixware
- "basic 8 paint program
- "Marions, Peter
- "Basic 8
- "8
- "Auto Expense
- "Helpware
- "car expense data base
- "Clinton, Lee
- "Car dB
- "8
- "Night Mirrors
- "Funware
- "game
- "Komaromi, Dan
- "
- "8
- "Word Play
- "Brainware
- "game with words like boggle
- "Blackmer, Bob
- "Boggle-like game
- "8
- "Card Trilogy
- "Brainware
- "card games
- "Schulak, Barbara
- "
- "8
- "Songsmith Player
- "Zero Page
- "music player
- "Tucker & Mattson
- "
- "9
- "Cook's Helper
- "Helpware
- "cook recipe data base
- "Clinton, Lee
- "Recipe dB
- "9
- "Yacht Word
- "Brainware
- "word game
- "Cook, Robert
- "Yahtzee-like game
- "9
- "Cybertank
- "Funware
- "game
- "Mattson, Jon
- "
- "9
- "Fern Valley
- "Grafixware
- "graphics fractal program
- "Adam, Ian
- "Fractals
- "9
- "Basic 8 Art Shop
- "Grafixware
- "basic 8 graphic converter for print shop
- "Heckert, Richard
- "Print Shop to Basic 8
- "9
- "DC Convert
- "Grafixware
- "convert doodle to basic 8
- "Ferreira & Foster
- "Doodle to Paint 128
- "9
- "Gridlock
- "Funware
- "game
- "Mattson, Jon
- "
- "10
- "Cribbage 128
- "Brainware
- "cribbage game
- "Cook, Robert
- "Card game
- "10
- "Zone 13
- "Brainware
- "game
- "Mattson, Jon
- "
- "10
- "House Cat
- "Helpware
- "house catalog data base
- "Cook, Robert
- "Inventory dB
- "10
- "128 Shell
- "Utilityware
- "shell
- "Rockefeller, Robert
- "
- "10
- "Star Assembler
- "Utilityware
- "assembler program
- "Rockefeller, Robert
- "
- "10
- "Control 80
- "Utilityware
- "80 column basic program
- "Mattson, Jon
- "80 Colm BASIC
- "10
- "GBasic 128
- "Utilityware
- "sprite basic program
- "Mattson, Jon
- "Sprite BASIC
- "10
- "Budget Tracker
- "Helpware
- "budget spreadsheet
- "Schulak, Barbara
- "Spreadsheet
- "11
- "Screensketch 80
- "Utilityware
- "graphics sketch
- "Mattson, Jon
- "
- "11
- "Labyrinth
- "Funware
- "game maze
- "Mattson, Jon
- "
- "11
- "Paint 128
- "Grafixware
- "basic 8 graphic
- "Marions, Peter
- "Update to #8
- "11
- "Paint 128 Companion
- "Grafixware
- "graphic basic 8 converter
- "Ferreira & Foster
- "GEOS/Koala to Paint
- "11
- "Upgrading to C-128
- "Zero Page
- "basic 7 tips
- "Mattson & Schulak
- "BASIC 7.0 Tips
- "12
- "128 Library
- "Utilityware
- "128 library data base
- "Schulak, Barbara
- "Loadstar Library
- "12
- "Darwin's Bugs
- "Brainware
- "graphic game
- "Adam, Ian
- "Graphic game of Life
- "12
- "Videophile
- "Helpware
- "video data base
- "Cook, Robert
- "Videotape dB
- "12
- "Coupon Cache
- "Helpware
- "coupon data base grocery
- "Cook, Robert
- "Grocery coupon dB
- "12
- "On Deck
- "Helpware
- "baseball card data base
- "Schulak, Barbara
- "Baseball card dB
- "12
- "Knight's Quest
- "Funware
- "game
- "Mattson, Jon
- "Arthurian RPG
- "12
- "Professor Bingo
- "Zero Page
- "80 column game
- "Tucker, Fender
- "First 80-column game
- "13
- "Clip Artist
- "Grafixware
- "basic 8 graphics from print shop
- "Heckert, Dick
- "PS designer/mouse
- "13
- "Paint Works
- "Grafixware
- "basic 8 graphics
- "Ferreira, Rick
- "Edit pict. & brus.
- "13
- "The Philatelist
- "Helpware
- "stamp collector data base
- "Schulak, Barbara
- "Stamp collection db
- "13
- "Phone Book
- "Helpware
- "phone book data base
- "Heckert, Dick
- "Address/phone # db
- "13
- "Shell Copier
- "Utilityware
- "shell copier
- "Rockefeller, Robert
- "File-copier/shell
- "13
- "Loadstar Loader
- "Utilityware
- "autobooter program
- "Mitschke, Earle P.
- "Menu Autobooter
- "13
- "Shoot the Breeze
- "Funware
- "dice game
- "McAleer, Paul
- "Dice game for 1-4
- "13
- "Son of Clip Artist
- "Grafixware
- "basic 8 joystick
- "Heckert, Dick
- "PS graphic editor
- "14
- "Masterfile II
- "Helpware
- "data base generic
- "Cook, Robert B.
- "Generic data base with cards
- "14
- "Tax Tracker
- "Helpware
- "tax data base taxables
- "Schulak, Barbara
- "keep track of taxable items
- "14
- "Crazy Eights
- "Funware
- "card game solitaire
- "Mattson, Jon
- "play against computer
- "14
- "Quiltin' Bee
- "Funware
- "80-column game color
- "Tucker, Fender
- "solitaire or two-player game
- "14
- "Match It
- "Funware
- "concentration 40-column
- "Pellegrino, Bob
- "graphic concentration game
- "14
- "Hurricane Tracker
- "Helpware
- "basic 8 track hurricane
- "Heckert, Dick
- "track hurricanes in atlantic and gulf
- "15
- "Isolation
- "Funware
- "solitaire two-player shape game
- "Tucker, Fender
- "game for one or two with colored shapes
- "15
- "Portfolio
- "Helpware
- "investments mutual funds data base
- "Cook, Robert B.
- "data base for investments
- "15
- "Easy Jacket
- "Helpware
- "cassette jacket print driver
- "Cook, Marshall
- "prints cassette jackets
- "15
- "Budgetmeister
- "Helpware
- "track budget data base
- "McAleer, Paul
- "keep track of budget
- "15
- "Mouse 80
- "Utilityware
- "mouse driver text arrow
- "Randall, Maurice
- "mouse driver with text arrow
- "15
- "Paintlink
- "Grafixware
- "basic 8 cell converter
- "Ferreira, Rick
- "converts between 8x2, 8x4 and 8x8 cells
- "16
- "Doctor Crypto
- "Brainware
- "cryptograms quotes quips
- "McAleer, Paul
- "create solve cryptograms
- "16
- "Masterplan
- "Helpware
- "time manager day month year hour
- "Cook, Robert B.
- "plan out your days for months
- "16
- "Numismatist
- "Helpware
- "data base stamps
- "Schulak, Barbara
- "keep track of your stamps
- "16
- "Labelmeister
- "Helpware
- "address label graphics print font
- "Stites, Jeromy
- "PS graphics label printer
- "16
- "C-64 by 80
- "Utilityware
- "programming aid 80 column 64 mode
- "Rockefeller, Robert
- "use 128's 64 mode in 80 columns
- "16
- "Wheels and Bones
- "Funware
- "caveman tic tac toe game
- "Ferreira, Rick
- "basic 8 variation of tic tac toe
- "17
- "Foreign Passport
- "Brainware
- "french german spanish phrase translator
- "McAleer, Paul
- "foreign word quiz for tourists
- "17
- "Master Base
- "Helpware
- "data base search rel file
- "Heckert, Dick
- "rel and seq file address database
- "17
- "Indexwriter
- "Helpware
- "print 3x5 cards postcards
- "Schulak, Barbara
- "freeform entry of 3x5 card info
- "17
- "Lotto Cash
- "Helpware
- "winning number data base sort
- "Cook, Robert B.
- "keep track of winning lottery numbers
- "17
- "Home Refinancer
- "Helpware
- "refinance spreadsheet home
- "Tucker, Fender
- "play what if with mortgage info
- "17